Death Khairat Fund Principles and Practice In Kota Damansara Mosque According To Hifz Al-Mal
Keywords: Death Khairat Fund, Death Khairat Money Scheme (DKMS), hifz mal, property care, Maqasid Shariah.Abstract
The Death Khairat Fund, or the Death Khairat Money Scheme (DKMS), is a pure culture practiced among the Muslim community. Usually, this fund will be managed by the mosque institution to make it easier for the local community to make payments and get direct benefits in the event of death. This fund has become necessary for the average Muslim community in funeral management. This is because the benefit of this fund in providing equipment and assistance for complete funeral management has simplified the process of funeral management that needs to be done by the heirs. However, the study of the explanation of the Death Khairat Fund with any principle of Maqasid Shariah has not yet been studied, especially from the point of view of property protection (hifz mal). Therefore, this preliminary study analyses the relationship between the Death Khairat Fund and Maqasid Shariah. The researcher has succeeded in this study by using a qualitative method consisting of analysis of articles, newspapers, books, and interviews with the management of the Death Khairat Fund in the mosque, which was selected face-to-face has been done. As a result, the study found that the practice of Death Khairat Fund is very much in line with the concept of hifz mal from the point of view of Maqasid Shariah because the use of individual property in this fund can have a significant impact on the good of the people and does not lead to any harm and harm. A further study of the relationship between the Death Khairat Fund and other Maqasid Shariah concepts is necessary to see the extent of the importance and need of this fund from the Islamic perspective.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zawin Hannan Sofea Shahbuddin, Setiyawan Gunardi, Azman Ab Rahman, Ahmad Zaki Salleh, Syed Mohd Najib Syed Omar, Khairunneezam Mohd Noor

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