Publication Ethics

JFATWA is committed to rigorous publication ethics, enforced through a carefully structured peer review process. This process is intended to uphold the integrity and quality of the scholarly work we publish. Additionally, JFATWA proactively implements measures to prevent any form of publication misconduct. Authors who submit manuscripts to JFATWA must confirm that their submissions are entirely original and free from any copied or plagiarized content. By submitting their work, authors agree to adhere to the ethical guidelines and best practices as outlined by MyCite Selection Criteria, Elsevier's policies, and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines for Journal Editors. This adherence supports the journal's commitment to maintain ethical standards in publishing and upholds the trust placed in it by the scholarly community.


Responsibilities of Authors

To preserve the integrity and quality of research publications, authors are expected to comply with ethical standards throughout all phases of their work. The outlined responsibilities below serve as a guide for authors:

  1. Scholarly Reporting: Authors engaged in drafting research reports are obligated to deliver a precise and impartial depiction of their work. It is essential that the data underpinning the research be presented with accuracy within the document. The paper should include comprehensive details and references that enable others to replicate the study. Fraudulent or deliberately false statements are strictly prohibited and violate the ethical standards of the journal. Such practices are not tolerated under any circumstances and are deemed to undermine the trust and scientific integrity of the academic community.
  2. Data Management: Authors are required to furnish the original datasets associated with their manuscript for editorial examination and, when practical, to share such data publicly in alignment with the Sherpa Romeo statement and the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases. Furthermore, authors should retain the underlying raw data for a reasonable duration after publication to facilitate potential verification processes or additional analysis by other researchers. This practice is critical for maintaining transparency and fostering trust within the scholarly community.
  3. Scholarship Originality and Integrity: JAFTWA requires that all authors submit wholly original works. Accurate citation or quotation is mandatory when incorporating the works or words of others. Plagiarism manifests in several forms: claiming another’s work as one’s own, copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of someone else’s work without proper attribution, or falsely attributing research results. Such actions are considered unethical within scholarly publishing and are strictly prohibited. Authors are expected to ensure that their submissions are original, not previously published, nor under consideration by any other publication. To uphold academic integrity, JFATWA editors might employ specialized software to check for similarities between submitted manuscripts and existing literature. Submitting knowingly false or fraudulent information is unacceptable. All borrowed material from other sources must be diligently cited or quoted. For further details, consult the JFATWA Plagiarism Policy.
  4. Duplication and Simultaneity in Publication: Authors are strongly discouraged from publishing manuscripts that essentially cover the same research in more than one journal or primary publication outlet. Engaging in such practices is considered unethical in scholarly publishing and is unequivocally unacceptable. Additionally, the concurrent submission of identical manuscripts to multiple journals violates ethical standards and is equally impermissible. Such actions compromise the integrity of the academic record and can lead to unnecessary duplication in scientific communication, potentially misleading the scholarly community. Authors must ensure that each manuscript they submit offers distinct and novel contributions to the field and is submitted to only one publication at a time.
  5. Sources Acknowledgements: JFATWA emphasizes the importance of appropriately recognizing the contributions of others. Authors are required to accurately cite any publications that have significantly influenced their research. Proper citation reflects respect for the intellectual property of others and supports the integrity of academic discourse by enabling readers to trace the development of ideas and research findings.
  6. Authorship: Authorship should be confined to individuals who have substantially contributed to the conception, implementation, or interpretation of the research presented. All individuals who meet these criteria should be credited as co-authors. Those who have contributed significantly to specific aspects of the research should be recognized as contributors within the acknowledgments section. The designated corresponding author must ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the manuscript and that no inappropriate authorships are granted. Additionally, the corresponding author is tasked with verifying that all listed co-authors have reviewed the manuscript, endorsed its final version, and consented to its publication. This process is vital for maintaining transparency and integrity within the scholarly publication process.
  7. Transparency and Conflict of Interest Declaration: It is crucial for authors to reveal any potential conflicts of interest that may influence, or appear to influence, their research. This includes any financial, personal, or other significant relationships that could affect the findings or interpretation of their manuscript. Authors must also disclose all sources of financial support for their research within the manuscript. Ensuring transparency in these declarations helps maintain the integrity of the research and the trust of the scholarly community, fostering an environment of ethical academic practice and rigorous, unbiased scientific inquiry.
  8. Correction of Significant Errors: Should an author identify a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is their responsibility to promptly inform the JFATWA editor. The author must collaborate with the editor to either retract or amend the publication. This process is vital for upholding the integrity of the academic record and ensuring the reliability of the information provided to the research community.
  9. Management of Hazardous Materials: When research involves chemicals, procedures, or devices that pose potential risks, it is incumbent upon the author to clearly delineate these hazards in the manuscript. This explicit disclosure is crucial for ensuring the safety of those replicating the research, maintaining ethical research practices, and preserving the transparency and integrity of the scholarly work published.
  10. Human Subject Research: Research involving human participants must adhere to established ethical standards, such as those outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki or the Belmont Report. Authors are responsible for safeguarding the privacy, confidentiality, and dignity of participants throughout the research process. It is imperative that any potential risks to participants are minimized and that the benefits derived from the research clearly outweigh these risks. To fulfill these ethical obligations, researchers must satisfy several prerequisites before conducting studies involving human participants. This includes securing approval from an ethics committee or an equivalent body. The manuscript must explicitly state that informed consent was obtained from all participants, or provide a detailed justification if consent was not obtained. Additionally, researchers must ensure that the privacy rights of participants are rigorously protected at all times, reinforcing the ethical foundation of the study.
  11. Animal Subject Research: Research that involves animal subjects must adhere to rigorous ethical standards as established by the Animal Welfare Act 2015 and the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure humane treatment of animals, striving to minimize pain and suffering throughout the study. Conditions in which animals are kept must be safe and comfortable, with consistent access to food and water. These measures are critical to ensure the ethical integrity of the research and the welfare of the animal subjects involved.


Responsibilities of Editors

  1. Fairness and Impartiality: When assessing manuscripts, editors are required to uphold principles of fairness by evaluating the intellectual merit of each submission solely based on its scholarly content. This assessment must be conducted without bias towards the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political views. Upholding these standards ensures that all manuscripts are judged equitably and that decisions are made purely on academic grounds.
  2. Confidentiality: In line with ethical standards for publication, it is imperative that the editor and all members of the editorial board maintain strict confidentiality. They must not reveal any details about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and the publisher when appropriate. This confidentiality is crucial to preserving the integrity of the review process and protecting the intellectual property of the authors until a decision has been reached regarding publication.
  3. Use of Unpublished Material: An editor is permitted to use unpublished content from a submitted manuscript for their own research purposes solely with the explicit written consent of the author. This guideline ensures that the proprietary rights of the author are respected and that all use of such material adheres to the ethical standards of scholarly conduct, safeguarding against unauthorized use and maintaining trust within the academic community.
  4. Decision: The Editorial Board bears the responsibility for deciding which articles are suitable for publication, following a rigorous review process. Decisions are grounded in the significance of the research to the field and its overall validation. In making these determinations, the Editorial Board is committed to adhering to the journal's established policies and to fulfilling legal responsibilities concerning libel, plagiarism, and copyright infringement. Collaboration with other editors or reviewers may be utilized to enhance the decision-making process, ensuring that all evaluations are thorough and fair. This approach guarantees that published content not only advances the field but also meets ethical and legal standards.
  5. Review and Selection: The editor is tasked with verifying the originality of each manuscript received. It is imperative that a fair and appropriate peer review process is established and consistently applied. This process must be transparently communicated to authors, specifying which sections of the journal will undergo review. Furthermore, the editor is responsible for selecting reviewers who possess the necessary expertise to evaluate the manuscripts effectively and must diligently avoid appointing reviewers who may have potential conflicts of interest. This ensures that the review process is both thorough and unbiased, upholding the integrity of the journal.


Responsibilities of Reviewers

  1. Peer Review: The peer review process is instrumental in supporting the editor's decisions regarding which manuscripts to publish. Additionally, it aids authors in enhancing the quality of their work by providing them with feedback from experts within the field. This collaborative and evaluative procedure ensures the advancement of scholarly work and maintains the high standards expected in academic publishing.
  2. Commitments: Should a peer reviewer determine that they lack the necessary expertise to evaluate a manuscript's research adequately, or if they are unable to complete the review within the required timeframe, it is incumbent upon them to notify the editor and excuse themselves from the review process. This protocol ensures the integrity and efficiency of the review, maintaining the high standards of the publication.
  3. Objectivity and Professionalism: The peer review process must be executed with objectivity and devoid of any personal criticism toward the author. Reviewers are required to substantiate their evaluations with cogent and well-reasoned arguments. This approach ensures that feedback is constructive, and the review process upholds the highest standards of scholarly integrity.
  4. Confidentiality: All manuscripts submitted for review are to be treated as confidential documents. It is crucial that these materials are not shared with or discussed among unauthorized individuals unless explicit permission is granted by the editor. Upholding confidentiality ensures the integrity of the review process and respects the proprietary rights of the authors and their work.
  5. Managing Conflicts of Interest: During the peer review process, it is essential that all confidential information and concepts remain secure and are not exploited for personal benefit. Peer reviewers are expected to refrain from evaluating manuscripts if they possess conflicts of interest that could arise from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any authors, companies, or institutions related to the submissions. Adhering to these principles ensures that the review process is conducted ethically and impartially, safeguarding the integrity of scholarly communication.
  6. Citation and Disclosure: Reviewers are required to identify and acknowledge any relevant published work not cited by the author in the manuscript. If a reviewer remarks on observations, derivations, or arguments already documented, they must provide the correct citations. Additionally, if reviewers possess personal knowledge of significant similarities or overlaps between the manuscript under review and any other published work, they are obligated to report these findings to the JFATWA editor. This process ensures the transparency and integrity of the peer review process, helping to maintain the scholarly value of the journal.


Responsibilities of Publisher

  1. Handling Research Misconduct and Publication Integrity: In instances of alleged or confirmed scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism, the publisher, working closely with the editors, will undertake all necessary actions to address and rectify the situation. This response may include the immediate publication of an erratum or clarification, or, in more severe cases, the retraction of the work involved. The publisher and editors are committed to taking proactive measures to identify and prevent the publication of research that involves misconduct. They are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity, ensuring that misconduct is neither condoned nor overlooked in the publication process. Their collaborative efforts aim to maintain the trust and credibility of the scholarly community.
  2. Ensuring Accessibility: As part of our commitment to the enduring accessibility and preservation of scholarly research, the publisher collaborates with various organizations and maintains a dedicated digital archive.


Corrective Actions for Post-Publication

Erratum: This refers to the formal notice of a significant error that occurred during the article's production process by the journal, which might impact the publication’s scientific integrity, the authors' reputation, or that of the journal itself.

Corrigendum: This is issued when a notable mistake made by the authors is identified, which could influence the reliability of the scientific information in the publication or affect the standing of the authors or the journal.

Retraction: This formal notice invalidates the findings of the published research. Retractions are necessitated by significant errors or discoveries that undermine the research's conclusions. All authors must agree to the retraction, explaining how the article's conclusions are compromised.

Addendum: This involves the issuance of additional information or clarification regarding a previously published article, typically prompted by a reader's request for more details or by new information that enhances the original article.