الاستفادة القصوى من المذاهب المعتبرة بشأن حكم توزيع الشخص زكاته من غير دفعها لديوان الزكاة: فتوى مجلس الإفتاء الوطني الماليزي نموذجا
Maximum Benefit from Recognized Schools Concerning the Ruling of Self-Distributing Zakat without Paying to Zakat Centre: Fatwa of National Fatwa Committee of Malaysia as A Model
المذاهب المعتبرة، الفتوى، توزيع الزكاة، الاستفادة القصوىAbstract
This research examines parameters in taking maximum benefits from recognized Islamic schools concerning the rulings of a person’s Zakat distribution without paying it to Zakat centre. Fatwa of the National Fatwa Committee of Malaysia has been used as a model in this research. This discussion has been completed through a critical descriptive approach to describe the matter, conforming to scholars’ opinion and its analysis through reliable sources in Islamic jurisprudence and its origins, thus coming up with reasonable appropriate results. The directives and principles were extracted from Islamic rulings and linked to the current situation of the Islamic society so that this study would not remain merely imaginary theories, far from the reality of the community. The researchers meditated and criticized the advisory opinion issued by the National Fatwa Committee of Malaysia on the provision of distributing zakat directly to its receiver without paying it to the Zakat centre. The researchers found that the National Fatwa Committee adheres to the parameter in issuing fatwa, as it has issued a fatwa that contrary to the opinion of the official recognized fiqh school in Malaysia by considering appropriate interest.
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