Application Of FMEA Method In Halal Risk Determination On Halal Poultry Slaughtering Operations
Halal Slaughtered Chicken,, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Halal Risk Point, Risk Priority Number, Halal non-complianceAbstract
The importance of halal slaughtered chicken has become crucial in the era of globalization and complex supply chains. The rising awareness among Muslim communities regarding the integrity of slaughtered chicken products has led to a focus on adhering to halal compliance standards and Islamic law. This study aims to qualitatively analyze the halal risk points in chicken slaughtering operations, by using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, in order to identify potential halal risks and ensure the integrity of halal chicken products. This qualitative study uses a analysis approach by examining secondary sources including journals, articles, guidelines and standards related to halal slaughtering process. In this study, seven Halal Risk Points (HRP) have been identified in the entire halal slaughtering process of broilers. Based on the results of the risk assessment through the FMEA method, each determined HRP will be assessed based on the severity, occurrence and detection rating scale. The final result of this study found that only six HRPs have a Risk Priority Number (RPN) value that exceeds 100. Therefore, corrective action recommendations are proposed to prevent any halal non-compliance from occurring on the process involved. Overall, the FMEA framework in this study is a new approach in guaranteeing the integrity of chicken slaughter products and is able to have a positive impact on the halal chicken slaughter industry players and also the implementers of the halal management system.
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