Exploring Halal Science Research: Do They Meet The Tawhidic Paradigm? Do They Need Islamization Of Knowledge?
Halal science, tawhidic paradigm, halal academic programme, halalan toyyibanAbstract
In recent years, the innovations in halalan toyyiban (HT) products and services are being fueled by science and technology to meet the emerging needs of the people. This has partly contributed to the expansion of halal and its industry into various sectors that benefitted many. However, there is a growing concern that halal industry is riding on religious platform to gain the economic benefits while losing the faith-bound values. The so-called halal science research fueling the innovation to the industry, is argued to be undertaken without the true understanding of it being a branch of Islamic science thus not operating in the tawhidic paradigm. Therefore, the aims of the study are to i) identify Islamization elements in halal science research, and ii) to propose the measures to conduct halal science research based on the tawhidic paradigm. A total of 14 dissertations (2017-2021) of Master in Halal Industry Science (MSHIS) are investigated. Other secondary sources including journals, books, electronic sources and documents related to the academic programme are also referred. Data is evaluated from the Islamic perspective through the process of relevantization, integration and harmonization. Aspects related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), science and technology framework, academic program standards, institutes (faculties), and universities framework were also mapped in the analysis to provide a holistic view, deeper insights, and informed perspectives that contribute to a more nuanced understanding of halal science research. It was observed that the MSHIS dissertations contain some elements of halal science research. However, the elements of tawhidic-based halal science are elusive hence the need of appropriate Islamization of knowledge efforts in realizing the ‘true’ halal science research. Maqasid methodology approach, along with establishment of key concepts related to halal science are proposed as part of the Islamization of knowledge efforts in halal science research. To this end, this work shall be able to guide researchers in the halal science research area to conduct their research based on the tawhidic paradigm leading to development of the wholistic HT products and services that meet the HT criteria, and creation of HT-related knowledge in nestled in the tawhidic paradigm.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yumi Zuhanis Has-Yun Hashim, Anis Najiha Ahmad, Izzah Az Zahra Ahmad, NurHusna Samsudin, Phirdaous Abbas

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