Porcine And Bovine-Derived Ingredients: Islamic Rules in Halal Pharmaceutical Products


  • Mohd Hafidz Mahamad Maifiah International Institute for Halal Research and Training (INHART), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
  • Wan Nur Ezzah Syahirah AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (AHAS-KIRKHS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)


Halal, halal pharmaceuticals, porcine, bovine, non-halal ingredients


For Muslims, ingesting or utilising any products derived from porcine is forbidden as it is considered unclean. Besides, although bovine is halal to be consumed, this ruling is only applicable if it is slaughtered strictly according to Islamic law (Shari’ah). In view of Islam’s imposing certain restrictions on the consumption of porcine- and bovine-based products, for Muslims who are seeking medication, this could limit their therapeutic options as many pharmaceutical products are sourced from both animals. This will eventually make it difficult for them to get treatment and will endanger their lives. Hence, it is crucial for every Muslim to have knowledge and understanding about the views of Islamic jurists (Fuqaha’) regarding the Islamic rules on pharmaceutical products containing porcine- and bovine-derived ingredients. In this article, a clear narration regarding porcine and bovine-derived pharmaceutical products, accompanied by a review of Islamic rules based on Islamic jurists, is presented.


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How to Cite

Mahamad Maifiah, M. H., & Wan Ismail, W. N. E. S. . (2023). Porcine And Bovine-Derived Ingredients: Islamic Rules in Halal Pharmaceutical Products. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 28(3), 41–57. https://doi.org/10.33102/jfatwa.vol28no3.549

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