Reviving the Authenticity of Prophetic (Sunnah) Drinks in Beverage Industry in Malaysia: A Review
Sunnah, authenticity, beverage, Halal, Safety, healthy, TechnologyAbstract
The rapid development of the food and beverage industry in Malaysia resulted in various ideas of product innovations among the producers for the purpose of commercializations. Sunnah drinks are a phenomenon in today's market which is said to have many benefits to human health. Although Sunnah food could always be seen as permissible and lawful (Halal), the safety, healthy and quality aspect of mixing them up with other food ingredients which are suspicious (mashbooh) and hazardous (mudhorrah) in the production line is still disregarded. Yet, the implementation of standard policies and guidelines concerning on the issue of Sunnah food ingredients, technology, and processing in beverage industry from scientific perspectives in Malaysia are still scarce. This concept paper is aimed to review and correspond to the abovementioned issues as an efforts in securing the authenticness of Sunnah food from being jeopardized in the future. There are four key principles discussed; Halalan Toyyiban and Islamic dietary guidelines in Beverage; Islamic Manufacturing Practices (IMP); Food Safety, Hygienec and Quality Issue via HACCP; Standard Identification and Claiming on food Labeling which could act as the backbone of the efforts. Thus, the exploitation of Sunnah foods could be resolved effectively and immediately.
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