حماية المال العام واجب شرعي: دراسة تحليلية
Protecting Public Money is a Legitimate Duty: An Analytical Study
Keywords: public money, assault on public money, legal duty.Abstract
This research sheds light on the concept of public money and the factors leading to the diversity of patterns of abuse, and what are the methods of protecting public funds from the legal and ethical perspective. The research uses the analytical induction method.
The research reached a set of results, the most important of which is that the assault on public money is a social phenomenon that occurs for political, economic or organizational reasons.
It is not related to a single owner, but rather to the totality of the people without anyone holding it for himself, and Islam has warned against eating people’s money unjustly.
and promised those who eat people’s rights or wrong them with severe torment, and therefore following the religious approach is one of the most important methods of protecting public money in any society Human, because Islam is the religion of humanity as a whole, valid for every time and place, and all heavenly laws address the human mind, which is the focus of the mandate and concerned with the implementation of its provisions that were originally revealed for the sake of man and the preservation of public interests, and therefore the protection of public money lies in the development of religious culture among The members of society, and their upbringing on virtuous morals and noble values that the true religion guides them to.
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