عمل المرأة المسلمة وآثاره على الأسرة والمجتمع، وأثره على أحقيتها في المال المشترك
Work of Muslim Woman and its Effects on the Family and Society, and its Effect on her Entitlement to Joint Money
عمل المرأة, خدمة الزوج, راتب الزوجة, الأموال المشتركةAbstract
This research deals with the work of the Muslim wife, and the consequent disagreement between the spouses regarding it and the salary of the wife, and her entitlement to the joint money. This is because there is an urgent need at this time to rooting the saying about this issue, given the rapid developments that characterize this age. As the current life has made the exit of women to work essential in light of complex social and economic conditions, this issue has become one of the most serious issues that cause conflict and discord between spouses.
The research uncovered the origin of marital disputes that may occur due to the wife's work and salary, and the money earned during marriage, and I followed the comparative analytical inductive approach in it. She divided it into an introduction, a preface - in which it clarified the objectives of Islamic law in marriage - and three topics: the first presented the rights and duties of the spouses, while the second came to explain the impact of a woman’s work on the family and society, then she allocated the third to the effect of her work on her entitlement to joint money.
The research concluded that knowing the two parties to the marital relationship of each of their rights and duties works to stabilize the spouses, and defuse the discord and conflict between them. Women and men are partners in the architecture of human life and succession on earth. The woman is the basis of the family, the family is the most important human institution, and the good of society is subordinate to the good of the family. The more a society is based on respect and appreciation for women, the easier it will be in establishing their rights and the further from harming them. Good cohabitation requires that the wife not do anything except with the consent of her husband, and on top of those matters is her going out to work. The development occurred - negatively or positively - in Muslim societies led to the mixing of the spouses' money. The wife's contribution to her financial and intangible effort is the motivation behind establishing her share in the joint money. Therefore, the researcher recommends that the work be undertaken to restore the correct religious concepts to society, as the man learns fatherly experiences and the experiences of living within the family, and Islam's honor to women in order to eliminate the tendencies to reduce them and their humanitarian work. Women are made aware that work is not limited to material work with pay only, and that motherhood is the ultimate in work. Limiting the issuance of public fatwas regarding the wife’s work and salary, and looking at the outcome of judgments, and the purposes of Sharia when issuing a fatwa in which no Sharia text is mentioned. Fiqh councils and the role of fatwas should bring the reality on the table to research and fatwa. The use of reason and not rigidity on the rulings decided by our venerable jurists, as long as it does not deny an opinion on the subject of Ijtihad.
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