المال المشترك بين الزوجين: مفهومه وحكمه
The Matrimonial Property: Concept and Law
This research aims to study the matrimonial property and the rights in the property. Although this property is considered as one of the financial rights between husband and wife, it’s has not been discussed by the scholars in their books which indicate that the topic is a contemporary and important issue. This study tries to explain the concept of matrimonial property and the legality for demanding the property and uses the descriptive method to study the topic by referring to contemporary scholar’s opinion in this issue and comparing their arguments and discussions between them. The study also concludes that the matrimonial property is the wealth obtained by contribution of both spouses during their marriage. Meanwhile the Syariah law differs its provision according to the variety of contribution between the spouses in the property.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ahmad Hussein Abdul Shakoor Siraji, Muhamad Mustaqim Abdul Halim

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