Thematic Analysis Of Research Studies On Maqasid Shariah And Mental Health
Mental health, Islam, Maqasid Shariah, Literature Review, DataBaseAbstract
Debates and discussions related to mental health are closely related to maqasid al-shariah encompassing worldly and religious affairs, especially the aspects of tahsiniyyat and kamaliyyat to complete the essentials or necessities (daruriyyat). Published literature and articles have shown an increased interest in the intellectual discourse related to maqasid al-shariah. The objective of this research is to analyze and examine past literature on maqasid al-shariah related to mental health between 2017 to 2021. This research is conducted in the form of the descriptive method through document analysis of past literature from online articles and journals under the keyword “maqasid al-shariah” with mental health derived from an online database including books and conference papers published in various fields. This research seeks to analyze selected articles by identifying several variables that encompass several patterns such as number of articles published, year of publication, number of authors, research approach, subject, and gender of the authors. The general findings of this research show majority of past research are based on the qualitative method. Besides that, the discussion on the concept of maqasid al-shariah related to mental health issues is an unchartered area that still requires need in-depth research in the context of the society from the aspects of children, adolescents, and the elderly. This research is expected to be a guide for further research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ulfah Mansurah Zainudin, Nurzahidah Jaapar, Fadhilah Adibah Ismail, Ghazali Jaapar, Hasnah Husiin

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