Shariah Scholars and Fatwa Making Process in Islamic Finance


  • Yasmin Hanani Mohd Safian Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer



Shariah scholars, ijtihad, Islamic finance innovations



Islamic finance industry faces unprecedented new issues that need immediate attention by Shariah scholars. The issues require the Shariah scholars to exercise their own ijtihad whether it is a collective or an independent ijtihad especially in the innovations of Islamic finance. One of the main challenges in issuing a fatwa in the Islamic finance is the scholars have to innovate Shariah compliant products that are workable and meet the modern market needs. To address this issue, it requires the scholars to have mastery skills in both the turath (classical knowledge) and contemporary knowledge in Islamic finance. The study will evaluate the efforts of the scholars in the fatwa making process and examine the challenges faced over time.

Keywords: Shariah scholars, ijtihad, Islamic finance innovations


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Author Biography

Yasmin Hanani Mohd Safian, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Shariah and Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



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How to Cite

Mohd Safian, Y. H. (2018). Shariah Scholars and Fatwa Making Process in Islamic Finance. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 10(1), 120–135.


