Hadith Preservation: Techniques And Contemporary Efforts
Hadith Preservation, Memorisation, The Principle of Practice, Documentation, Sanad and MatanAbstract
Hadith is an important source of Islamic teachings. The method of Hadith preservation during the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and after his demise has constantly been criticised by Orientalists and critics of Islam. Most of their objections emphasise that Hadith could not have been accurately transmitted orally over a century. Thus, conducting research on how Hadith has been preserved is crucial, particularly to remind the critics that Allah’s (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) promise to protect His Book is not limited to the Qur’an, but also extends to the Hadith, which explains the meanings of the Qur’an. Additionally, it is crucial to continuously discuss the painstaking efforts that went into Hadith preservation, which make Muslims believe with absolute certainty that Hadith were accurately preserved. On this basis, this article discusses the multifaceted landscape of Hadith preservation by exploring the techniques employed and contemporary efforts in preserving this rich Islamic heritage. Relevant books, academic journal articles, lecture notes, and webpages were reviewed in writing this article. The three main techniques that played a significant role in preserving Hadith are memorisation, the principle of practice, and documentation. Moreover, the contemporary efforts that contributed to Hadith preservation include the massive publication of academic books and journals on Hadith, the establishment of faculties in major universities that offer Hadith studies as a specialised academic program, the increase in comparative jurisprudence studies that refer to Hadith as one of the most important references, the need to respond to Orientalist theories on Hadith, and the advent of digital technology.
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