Facilitating Knowledge Transfer To Students Through Tayammum Trekathon In An Interactive Activities


  • A'wani Aziz Nurdalila Institut Fatwa dan Halal (IFFAH), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2752-8369
  • Mohd Zuhaifah Mohamed Jamil Institut Fatwa dan Halal (IFFAH), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) https://orcid.org/0009-0009-5953-2582
  • Dzulfadli Rosli Institut Fatwa dan Halal (IFFAH), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5573-2204
  • Muhamad Firdaus Ab Rahman Institut Fatwa dan Halal (IFFAH), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
  • Nur Nadia Fadhlina Daman Huri University of Sheffield, Portobello Sheffield, United Kingdom




Tayammum, Knowledge transfer, interactive activities, Tayammum Trekathon


Tayammum, an essential aspect of Islamic jurisprudence, serves as an alternative method of ritual purification (ablution) when water is unavailable, or its use is impractical. Tayammum purification method is using ground dust, a significant aspect of Islamic practice. However, traditional teaching methods may not always effectively convey its intricacies to students. To address this, interactive activities are employed to engage students actively in the learning process. This study investigates the effectiveness of utilizing interactive activities as a means to facilitate the transfer of Tayammum knowledge to students. Through a combination of hands-on experiences, simulations, and group activities, students are immersed in practical scenarios related to Tayammum is developed. The title of the program is Tayammum Trekathon. This approach not only enhances understanding but also fosters a deeper connection to the subject matter. The findings suggest that incorporating interactive activities into teaching Tayammum significantly improves knowledge transfer and student engagement, ultimately enriching the learning experience.


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How to Cite

Nurdalila, A. A., Mohamed Jamil, M. Z. ., Rosli, D. ., Ab Rahman, M. F., & Daman Huri, N. N. F. . (2024). Facilitating Knowledge Transfer To Students Through Tayammum Trekathon In An Interactive Activities. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 29(2), 39–57. https://doi.org/10.33102/jfatwa.vol29no2.583




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