The Permissibility of Selling Video Game Accounts: A Juristic Analytical Study

Video Game Accounts, Islamic Jurisprudence, Virtual Property Rights, Gambling, RiskAbstract
This study examines the Islamic jurisprudential perspective on the sale of video game accounts, a practice that has emerged from the burgeoning online gaming industry and its concomitant secondary markets. Employing a qualitative methodology grounded in library research, the study scrutinizes contemporary Islamic scholarly works and fiqh literature to elucidate the concepts of ownership, contractual obligations, and the potential elements of gambling (maisir) and excessive risk (gharar) in these digital transactions. The findings reveal a nuanced conceptualization of ownership in virtual assets, recognizing players' rights as a form of usufruct rather than absolute proprietorship. The research underscores the critical importance of adherence to game developers' terms of service in determining the permissibility of account sales, while also highlighting the inherent risks of gharar, particularly concerning the longevity of game services, and maisir in games featuring chance-based mechanics. Ultimately, the study proposes a framework for case-by-case evaluation of such transactions, emphasizing transparency, equitable pricing, and the avoidance of gambling elements. This approach demonstrates the adaptability of Islamic jurisprudence in addressing contemporary digital economy issues, concluding that while the sale of video game accounts can be permissible under specific conditions, it necessitates meticulous consideration to ensure alignment with Islamic principles.
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