أعراف الزواج لدى قبيلة الباجون: دراسة تحليلية فقهية

Marriage Customs among the Bajuni Tribe: A Jurisprudential Analytical Study


  • Abdullatif Al-Raashid Department of Sharia Islamic University in Uganda, Kumi Road, P.O.BOX 2555 Mbale, UGANDA https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0117-9570
  • Manswab Mahsen Abdurahman Department of Sharia Islamic University in Uganda
  • Abdulhafiz Musa Walusimbi Department of Sharia Islamic University in Uganda




Marriage, Bajuni Tribe, Islamic Jurisprudence


This study investigates the marriage customs of the Bajuni tribe, who reside on the eastern coasts of Africa in Somalia and Kenya. The tribe maintains a variety of customs and traditions, among which are distinct marriage norms such as 'astrological timing' to determine the most auspicious moment for wedding ceremonies. This study aims to explore the marriage customs of the Bajuni tribe. This study employed an inductive approach to achieve the objectives, gathering relevant literature and sources and conducting open-ended interviews with guardians, clan heads, and married couples. The findings revealed twelve instances of non-compliance with Islamic law, evaluated according to Islamic jurisprudence. This study concluded with a series of recommendations, most notably the organization of scientific seminars to educate the community about deviant customs that negatively impact individuals and society.


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How to Cite

Al-Raashid, A., Abdurahman, M. M. ., & Walusimbi, A. M. (2024). أعراف الزواج لدى قبيلة الباجون: دراسة تحليلية فقهية: Marriage Customs among the Bajuni Tribe: A Jurisprudential Analytical Study. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 29(3), 129–148. https://doi.org/10.33102/jfatwa.vol29no3.577