حكم المال المتنازع عليه بين الزوجين حين انتهاء الزوجية بينهما "دراسة فقهية مقارنة
The Ruling On Money Disputed Between Spouses When The Marriage Ends Between Them,"A Comparative Jurisprudential Study."
حكم, فقه, المال المتنازع عليه, الزوجين, انتهاء الزوجيةAbstract
This paper includes two sections: The first section is about the purposes of Sharia from marriage and the legislation of separation and the second section is about the ruling on money disputed between spouses. The problem of research is that there are some women when she gets divorced from her husband, she thinks that whoever was her partner did not have a good financial life except with her partnership. This research attempts to answer the following question: What is the proof of the woman who was her life partner of money in what she claims?. And This research aims to spotlight the purposes of Sharia on marriage and the legislation of separation from it and Evidence explains what is proven and what is not proven to the woman from her husband's money that she shared with him by various considerations or on his behalf. And the importance of this topic is demonstrated by the need for it in the events of this time
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